기초 미생물학3
복습-Macromolecular interactions-공유결합Hydrogen bonds (H-bonds) Ionic interactions (salt bridges) van der Waals interactions Hydrophobic interactions Disulfide bonds
Molecules in water Most biological activities occur in aqueous (water-based) solutions • 친수성Hydrophilic molecules (contains O or N in many cases) -dissolve in water • 소수성Hydrophobic molecules (consist of only C and H) repel water •둘다가지고있음 Amphipathic molecules -have both hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties
Carbohydrate Bonds• Functions –cell structure, adhesion, and metabolism연결,부착,변형,
Lipids Functions – Triglycerides소수성 –energy storage – Phospholipid –major cell membrane-안정성 유지charge component – Steroids –cell membrane component-microplasma
Proteins-서로다른 amino acid Formation of a peptide bond=-Amino acids are attached through peptide bonds to form proteins.=peptide bond 선형상으로 연결하고,여러가지 결합력Primary structure Secondary structure Tertiary structure Quaternary structure
Primary structure Secondary structure Tertiary structure Quaternary structure-단위체-dnarna
Chapter 3 Tools of the Laboratory: The Methods for Studying Microorganisms=현미경 원리 종류 염색법Battling a brain infection- 50-year-old woman Flu-like symptoms (fever, aching joints, sore throat, headache) Overall normal according to an initial examination Later out of consciousness, dark brown spots on her legs Cloudy spinal fluid Gram negative bacteria Tiny pairs of red cocci(diplococci) A blood culture (bacteria in her bloodstream) White blood cells carrying same cocci inside Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) culture Neisseria meningitidis독감-반점-척수액을 뽑음- 미생물-그람염색법-두개의 구가 뭉쳐있음-‘임질 뇌수막염’
What is responsible for this disease?- Gram stain of Bacillus anthracispositive 안쪽 산소요구도- 미생물이 어떻게 감염됐을지
Optical microscope (bright-field)-광학현미경-눈을통해 확인할 수 있다
Principles of Light Microscopy– The objective lens forms the magnified real image – The real image is projected to the ocular where it is magnified again to form the virtual image • 확대 Total magnificationof the final image is a product of the separate magnifying powers of the two lensespower of objective x power of ocular-접안렌즈*대물렌즈The Microscope Key characteristics of a reliable microscope are: • Magnification확대–ability to enlarge objects (extent of enlargement) • Resolving power (resolution)–ability to show detail해상도,디테일Resolution (resolving power)Low resolution High resolutionResolution(resolving power) defines the capacity to distinguish or separate two adjacent objects-훨씬더 자세하게 Resolution -wavelength불분명->두개의점을 구별 할 수 있는 최소의거리 -수치로표현
Shorter wavelength and larger numerical aperture provide higher resolution. Visible light wavelength: 400-750nmvisible liight NA (numerical aperture, 개구수): 0.1 –1.25 /2f-로나눔=최소의 거리 Oil immersion objectives resolution is 0.2 μm Magnification for optical microscope: 40X~ 2000X virus는 잘안보임 배율을 광학현미경에서 얻을 수 있는 최대
Effect of wavelength on resolution 긴파장,작은파장(더 쉽게 구별)
Resolution-더낮을수록 높아짐
• The numerical aperture (NA) of objective lens is a measure of the ability to gather light and resolve fine specimen detail at a fixed object distance. Numerical aperture ranges from 0.1 (low power lens) to 1.25 (oil immersion lens). -Oil 굴절율 빛이직진has the same optical qualities as glass. -Principle of immersion microscopy. Path of rays with immersion medium (yellow) (left half) and without (right half). Rays (black) coming from the object (red) at a certain angle and going through the coverslip (orange, as the slide at the bottom)
Vrius는 보기 힘듦Concept Check: B. Short wavelengths of light-짧은거리높아짐
In order to get the best resolution possible with a light microscope, you would want:
A. Long wavelengths of light B. Short wavelengths of light C. The wavelength doesn’t affect resolution D. Low numerical aperture of objective lens
Variations on the Optical Microscope • Bright-field (일반광학)살아있는부분–most widely used; specimen is darker than surrounding field; live and preserved stained specimens 빛투과 밝 안투과어
• Dark-field (암시야)–brightly illuminated specimens surrounded by dark field; live and unstained specimens 반대
• Phase-contrast(위상차)–transforms subtle changes in light waves passing through the specimen into differences in light intensity, best for observing intracellular structures빛이투과 섬모가 확연하게Differential interference contrast (DIC) microscope-색깔이 두가지 확연하게
• Similar to the phase contrast but has more refinements -Two prisms –contrasting colors -Two beams of light => Vivid color, three-dimensionalFluorescence (형광) Microscope • Uses fluorescence to generate an image • Uses dyes that emit visible light when bombarded with shorter lights –fluorescence • Useful in diagnosing infections Fluorescent dyes are bound to specific antibodies (fluorescent antibody) 형광-작은 chemical,색깔이바뀌어서 나옴 빛energy가흡수되어 방출된다
mouse macrophages (red) Intracellular Francisella tularensis (green) antigen 을 specitic하게 에너지를 방출 섞어주어 얼마나 증식되었는가도 확인 할 수 있다 두가지의 antibody로 반응하여 두가지색을 얻음
고유으색이존재Scanning confocal (공초점) 초점이 맺히는 부위가 작아짐 microscopy - Uses a laser beam of light to scan various depths in the specimen and deliver a sharp image focusing on just a single plane. -Capture a highly focused view at any level from the surface to the middle of the cell. -Reconstruction of 3-D structures of cells from the obtained images. Electron Microscopy • Forms an image with a beam of electrons that can be made to travel in wavelike patterns when accelerated to high speeds • Electron waves are 100,000 times shorter than the waves of visible light • Electrons have tremendous power to resolve minute structures because resolving power is a function of wavelength • Magnification between 5,000Xand 1,000,000X훨씬더 높게 확대된다 laserbeam 좁은범위에대해서 초점은 맞힐수있다. Electron Microscopy • Forms an image with a beam of electrons that can be made to travel in wavelike patterns when accelerated to high speeds • Electron waves are 100,000 times shorter than the waves of visible light • Electrons have tremendous power to resolve minute structures because resolving power is a function of wavelength • Magnification between 5,000Xand 1,000,000X 전자현미경-훨씬더 높게 확대Comparison of microscopes electron microscope 전파를 증폭시킴 , 흡수, viruse particle의모양 3차원적모양
Transmission electron microscopes (TEM; 투과전자현미경) –transmit electrons through the specimen. Needs thin specimen. Darker areas represent thicker, denser parts and lighter areas indicate more transparent, less dense parts.-전자가 투과하고 평면Scanning electron microscopes (SEM; 주사전자현미경) –provide detailed three-dimensional view. SEMbombards surface of a whole, metal-coated specimen with electrons while scanning back and forth over it.-metal로 코팅,입체
TEM-2차원적인이미지- 새깔을 입힘Concept CheckA. Brightfield B. Phase Contrast C. Scanning Electron D. Transmission Electron E. Fluorescence정답EWet mounts and hanging drop mounts-염색액없-살아있는미생물Fixed mountsare made by drying and heating a film of specimen.-불에넣어고착,고정단계Stains Dyes create contrast by imparting a color to cells or cell parts• Positive staining –Positive stain sticks to a cells and gives them color. • Negative staining–microbe repels dye, the dye stains the background, e.g. Nigrosin(blue-black)-염색법 반대에 들러붙어 염색• Basic dyes –cationic, positively charged chromophore • Acidic dyes –anionic, negatively charged chromophoreStaining reactions of dyes-투과되어 염색Staining• Simple stains–one dye is used; reveals shape, size, and arrangementSimple stains (단순염색한개) Differential stains (분별염색두가지) Structural stains (구조염색부분적 Differential stains–use a primary stain and a counterstain to distinguish cell types or parts (examples: Gram stain, acid-fast stain, and endospore stain)다른종류Acid-fast bacteria (pink) vs not-acid-fast-bacteria (blue) Used to detect Mycobacterium tuberculosis-결핵균을구별Gram staining1차 염료peptidoglycan의 두께가다름 매염제고착됨 탈색제쉽게 밖으로 빠저나감 대조 염색다른색깔로염색->비교Staining
• Structural stains –show certain cell parts not revealed by conventional methods: capsule and flagellar stains-일부구조물Sterilization-autoclave 내부의온도120 Asepsis병원성미생물Medium(pl. media)배지Culture증삭Pure culture순수배양Terms related to microbial culture Colony-군집 콜로니 하나의 cell로부터 존재The 6 I’s of Culturing Microbes-확인,미생물정보수집,점중,분리,증식,관찰Inoculation- introduction of a sample into a container of media to produce a culture of observable growth - implantation of a tiny microbial sample (inoculum) into or upon culture media to grow microbes.ex피-inoculation culture접종,클수있는조건에 넣어줌Culturing Microbes – Isolation-plate에넣음 콜로니형성Streak plate technique (획선평판법)백금Pour plate technique 부음(Loop dilution technique)Spread plate technique (도말평판법spread떨어짐Inspection-pure culturemixed culturecontaminants순수,두가지,오염물질한가지,두가지,원치않은미생물이 섞임
Macroscopic appearance (우리눈으로 알아차림e.g. colony morphology) -Microscopic 현미경appearance (e.g. cell morphology, staining characteristics) -Biochemical tests ezyme product: nutrient requirement, products, enzymes -Genetic characteristics : DNA sequencing -Immunological testing : Antibody항체 안티바디와 반응
Identification-determination of the type of microbes by the followings
5/6. Culturing Microbes